Harmony in the hills
There is an excellent tradition of mutual respect and co-operation between farmers, landowners and walkers in Scotland which we wish to encourage. A few notes on safety and certain aspects of land use may therefore be helpful.
In general, please remember that farming, shooting and stalking are all economically important to the area. Hill lambing takes place from mid-March to May in Angus. At this time please keep to paths across livestock fields. If possible, please don’t take dogs into fields where there are sheep and young lambs. The presence of a dog is worrying to ewes, and a pregnant ewe can abort if chased. Similar advice applies to areas where in spring there may be cattle with young calves. A mother cow is very protective and dogs are again a hazard in this situation. If you walk quietly and calmly through livestock areas you should have no problems. Game shooting starts from July and runs through to the end of January, please call us at the hotel where we will be able to advise if there is any shooting you should be made aware of.
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